Kick-off Conference

Sezione:  DECENT WORKFoto

La gallery fotografica della Conferenza di lancio del progetto

When? 15 September 2010, 13.30-15.00

Where? EP | Altiero Spinelli | Room A3H1

What? Even before the economic crisis exploded, half of the world’s workforce was living on less than 2USD per day. 80% of the world population was lacking social security coverage and informal employment was spreading. Deficits in decent work and aspirations for a decent life are part of the driving forces of international migration, with 90% of the world’s migrants (estimated at 191 million in 2005) being workers and their families in search of employment.

With this conference, SOLIDAR and the Global Progressive Forum will launch a three-year project to mobilise support from European citizens and politicians for a rights-based-approach to labour migration and decent work (in line with the relevant UN and ILO conventions) and for policy coherence for development. The debate will address the challenges that face migrant workers in the EU and how improved EU policies can ensure that migrants contribute best to economic and social development in both the hosting and sending countries.

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