
Booklet “Making Migration Work for Development”

24 gennaio 2013

Booklet “Making Migration Work for Development”  

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Booklet “Busting Migration Myths”

24 gennaio 2013

  Booklet “Busting Migration Myths”    

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Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011

10 dicembre 2012

La raccolta dati della Banca Mondiale sulla migrazione e sulle rimesse Scarica il rapporto

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Attraverso gli occhi dei migranti: la ricerca di un lavoro dignitoso

05 dicembre 2012

Attraverso gli occhi dei migranti: la ricerca di un lavoro dignitoso

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Global Forum on Migration and Development – Mauritius nov 2012 – Speeches

28 novembre 2012

Global Forum on Migration and Development – Mauritius nov 2012 – Speeches

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“Equality at Work: the continuing challenge”. ILO report on the impact of economic crisis on anti-discrimination policy

09 giugno 2011

“Equality at Work: the continuing challenge”. ILO report on the impact of economic crisis on anti-discrimination policy

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Global Forum on Migration and Development Themes Concept Paper

05 maggio 2011

Global Forum on Migration and Development Themes Concept Paper

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Amartya Sen: “L’importanza del lavoro dignitoso”

07 aprile 2011

Amartya Sen: “L’importanza del lavoro dignitoso”

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ITUC Congress Resolutions on Decent Work

15 febbraio 2011

ITUC Congress Resolution on Decent Work

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ILO Paper on Decent Work and Vocational Training

16 dicembre 2010

ILO Paper on Decent Work and Vocational Training

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